It’s been a while, hopefully this will make up for it. This is an old drawing of a character I created. It’s a lizard race and this is a guard/tracker. After a conversation with K, she thought there was something wrong about his clothing. It made me realize even though my original design was nice it was also totally impractical for the fast movement this creature looks like it can do. A long skirt would get quickly caught up in his legs and on forest debris. So I revised it and made the second shorter version. I think I still like the longer one. I think he might be a city guard or something where he would dress nicer and more colorfully, as opposed to someone who was a rogue. He would just have to run home and change before going on any long distance treks. I would like to hear other people’s opinion on his outfit. The main purpose of this was to practice with my wacom tablet. Even though I sketched this on paper I “inked” and colored it all with the tablet. It’s also to help with my coloring skilz. I almost never color things, opting to just render them in pencil. This has caused me to be severely behind in where I think I should be in coloring. It’s one thing to bounce light around on a black and white image and quite another to do it with color.